Many times I find our clients sharing their daily menus and right away I find the reason why they are not losing weight, they are not eating enough. And as surprising as it seems it is a very common problem.

Do you skip breakfast, grab a coffee and a bagel then have a nice lunch. Then you find yourself hungry again, get a coffee and a snack then come home for dinner starving?

You are not alone.

So what is the optimal number of meals? 4, 5, 6, 7... more than 7?

ONE or TWO meals a day is a disaster. If you haven’t been eating at least three

times a day, you are causing serious damage to your metabolism. If you want to get your

metabolism back up to speed, talk to us and find out why you are still not losing weight, feel tired and cannot focus or remember everything like you once did.

Eat THREE meals a day, properly balanced with the right nutritious foods, and

work out hard and you'll get some results.'ll get about half the results you'd get

from six meals a day and it will take you twice as long to get there. If you have less than

“elite” genetics or a naturally slow metabolism, you may have serious difficulty on only

three meals. And if you miss even a single meal, then you’re causing metabolic damage.

To learn more book your 30 min free consultation with our coaches


Happy Eating!

Water... our cells scream for more

We hear, read and talk about how much we need it and we still do not take proper action. Most of us don't even know how much we need throughout the day. If 80 % of our body is made of water how much do you think we need to drink daily?

We live in a dehydrated society even with the large amount of water and resources accessible in the western world. Our cells scream for more water and we chose to not listen, until it manifests. It can start with a headache and fatigue. We blame that fuzzy short term memory to anything but most probable cause...our body is thirsty.

So let's actually talk about only a few of the many benefits we get from drinking the right amount of water, and when I mean right I mean the one your body needs according to its specific needs. Our digestion improves because it removes toxins from our body, in particular from the GI tract, it helps waste material move out of our body and nutrient absorption. Carbohydrates and Proteins that our body use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. Next on the long list (which by the way I will not go over I promise) is for those who love weight loss or what I like t call weight management. Water suppresses appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize store fat, so you know that little muffin top you are always struggling with? Drink more water. 

 I could spend all of our time together discussing the importance of proper hydration. After all, water is needed for ALL of the cells in your body as well as for the maintenance of ALL your bodily functions.
You lose water through breathing, sweating, and digestion. Yet, your body doesn’t even send the, “I’m thirsty,” signal until you are already 2% dehydrated. Dehydration can occur as a mild hunger and, if not addressed, can manifest in being a “I am starving,” hunger!

Watch my Live Facebook on the Cleanse. Detox and Balance group for more on how much to drink and is there such thing as drinking too much water.
