we can make a change, even today.
“Our science and success are known worldwide, and because of that, our capacity for service is without bounds. ”
Service is at the heart of everything 4Life does. As you change your life with the phenomenal 4Life products and outstanding financial opportunity, you can change others’ lives through meaningful acts of service.
Our goal is to make a real difference in the lives of children and their families in the countries where 4Life conducts business. By creating long-lasting relationships with on-the-ground aid organizations and families, we build a legacy of service that allows children in need to become productive citizens in their communities.
We focus on three essential areas of a child’s life—nutrition, shelter, and education. As distributors and employees support our non-profit entity, Foundation 4Life®, and our for-profit 4Life Fortify® nutrition program, we can provide children and their families with the necessary tools to become self-sufficient and discover the power to break the cycle of poverty for generations to come.
Your donations help
With a particular focus on the children of the world, this 501(c)(3) entity utilizes 100% of all donations to provide tools and training that will elevate young people and their families out of poverty. While we strive to recognize and respond to community needs on various levels, the pinnacle of our giving is educational initiatives that foster the opportunity for a community to change for generations to come